Why I will continue to run WordPress

During the last weeks I’ve been digging into Jekyll a bit. It’s a simple static site generator. Perfect for simple blogs driven by techy people. It’s super-easy to make a clean site that is free of kodsmuts. Or well kind of. Until you start noticing that you need to add a lot of third-party things and… oops.

Anyway I’ve got the question a couple of times if it isn’t a good idea for me to move my Kodsmuts-blog over to Jekyll. I must say it’s rather tempting. But in the end I’ve decided to keep up with WordPress. Why? Cause WordPress is the kind of CMS you work with to make web sites for clients. Web sites for those who do not know how to push things to Github and who might not even know HTML. I feel a need to try to make a clean site out of a CMS that do work for those people. I am working on a new theme to make this happen. It might not be ready for this blog very soon (because of other side projects) but it will be ready. It will never be done. Cause as in everything web there are and will always be room for improvement.

I think by not switching this blog to Jekyll I will be able to keep it down to earth. I will not feel like everything I write here is something that is ‘easy for me running my little beautiful static thing’. Now I do know that WordPress isn’t the most heavy stuff. I’ve been working with other so-called CMS-systems that are worse. But still WordPress is real enough for me, at the moment.